Invited Speakers
Modeling, simulation and artificial intelligence of Glasses
Glass Structure and Glass Transition
Glass Crystallization and Glass Ceramics
Advanced Functional Glass and Application
MOF glass, Perovskite glass, and other new glasses
Thin film and Coating
Advanced Testing and Characterization
Advanced Glass Processing Technology
Low Carbon Glass and Related Technology
Brief Introduction:

Developing low-carbon technology is a potential approach towards achieving significant progress through technological innovation and advancement. It’s also a means to encourage collaboration between nations and promote collective progress. Considering factors like energy resources, development, industrial structure, technological advancements, and the necessary reduction of emissions, it’s crucial to prioritize the development of low-carbon technology and circular economy for the long-term sustainable survival of the global economy.

Focused topics:
 Carbon-Reducing Technology,
 Carbon-Free Alternatives such as renewable and clean energy,
 Decarbonization Technology

Session Chairs: Prof. Dr. Jie Chen

Point of Contact: Prof. Dr. Jie Chen

Keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Alicia Durán, the Institute of Ceramics and Glass of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Spain
 Dr. Rene Reichel, Avancis GmbH, Germany
 Dr. Xin Cao,CNBM Research Institute for Advanced Glass Materials Group Co., Ltd, China
  • Alicia Durán
    Institute of Ceramics and Glass of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Spain
  • René Reichel
    AVANCIS GmbH, Germany
    Advantages of thin-film photovoltaics glass/glass modules for superior BIPV applications
  • Xin Cao
    CNBM Research Institute for Advanced Glass Materials Group Co., Ltd, China
    Low carbon development status and trend of advanced glass materials
  • Hong Ye
    University of Sci. & Tech. of China, China
    Analysis on energy performance of building windows and advanced energy efficient materials
  • Peter Borowski
    AVANCIS GmbH, Germany
    Using world-record thin-film photovoltaics on rigid glass for semi-transparent applications 
  • Haruki Niida
    Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd, Japan
    Float Glass – Carbon Neutral by 2050
  • Bastian Siepchen
    CTF SOLAR GmbH, Germany
    High efficient CdSeTe solar cells》20% and application in CNBM’s module technology<
  • Xiaobo Peng
    CNBM Research Institute for Advanced Glass Materials Group Co., Ltd, China
    Ultra-light and high-strength hollow glass microspheres and its application
Advanced Glass-Related Equipment

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